Executive Editors

Sumana Roy
Sumana Roy is the author of How I became a Tree, a work of nonfiction, Missing: A Novel, Out of Syllabus: Poems and My Mother’s Lover and Other Stories, a collection of short stories. She teaches at Ashoka University.

Kunal Ray
Kunal Ray writes about art & culture for a variety of publications. He co-edited Shabd aur Sangeet – Unravelling Song-Text in India (2019). He teaches literary & cultural studies at Flame University, Pune.
Editorial Board

Ranjan Ghosh
Professor, University of North Bengal
Ranjan Ghosh is Professor at the Department of English, University of North Bengal. Among his many books include, Thinking Literature Across Continents (with J Hillis Miller, Duke University Press, 2016) & The Plastic Turn (Cornell University Press, 2022).